Friday, May 11, 2012

Proof is in the Putting

Well gentlemen, here are my results. The pictures speak a thousand words and are a testament to the function of Finasteride, but I have my own things to say about it.

First, before we get to the pictures I want to say that this drug has given me zero, none, zip - I repeat NO side-effects. More than a year after starting treatment, with no lapse in medication, I have not had any of the claimed sexual side-effects that some people complained about. Not only have I not seen any side-effects, I have been getting results. Real results! A year ago today I was praying I would be able to keep my hair another couple of years. Now, I'm excited because I know in the next 2-5 years my hair will be coming back still, and thicker too! This product has given me confidence and I would recommend it anyone who was/is in my situation; balding young. We don't have to let it happen. Enjoy the pictures. I hope this product does for you what it has done for me. 

I will continue to update this blog every once in a while, but the results happen to gradually to do more than 3x/year. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 23 vs. Day 50

Note: I apologize for using "Cowlick" instead of "Calic" if you disagree on the spelling. From all my 10 seconds of Google searching "Cowlick" seems to be the appropriate spelling.

Day 23

Day 50

Don't let the light fool you with this one. My hair is noticeably more hearty up front. The hair no longer feels fragile, and wispy. I feel confident saying that I am continuing to see results on the front. You may be able to tell, I apologize for the angle difference, that the right side (left of this picture) of my hairline is moving forward. It is thin, light hair now, but I know from my past experience with Rogaine that it will start to thicken.

Day 23

Day 50

You can see the the right side of my cowlick (left side of this picture) is thickening up. Slightly, and slowly, but surely. Notice the left side of the cowlick on day 23, you can see scalp through the hair. However, on day 50 more hair is there to provide cover.

Day 50

Day 50: I have been continuing the use of both Finasteride and Minoxidil foam. No changes in dosage.

Observations: Hair has is thicker, and much harder to part as a result. These pictures aren't doing true justice to the results, as I am seeing a huge difference in how I style my hair. I no longer NEED something in my hair to thicken it up in order to get my scalp covered. I have also noticed lighter hairs coming in at the hairline, which is moving forward slowly.

Point In Case: I still see positive results from the medication and Rogaine application. I would  stronglrecommend using Rogaine in conjunction with Finasteride. 

Side Effects: Still no side-effects to mention. Looks like I'm not part of the 1% who experience problems with the drug.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 34

Day 34: I have been continuing the use of both Finesteride and Minoxidil foam. I changed the Finasteride dosage from 1/4 pill everyday to 1/2 pill every other day. My doctor told me I could do so without it affecting the medication, and I just find it much simpler than taking it every day. I still use Rogaine twice per day.

Observations: My hair is coming in much thicker at the crown of my head. I haven't noticed too much going on at the hairline, but overall my hair is thicker and feels softer.

Point In Case: Seeing more positive results in regards to hair thickness at the crown. Still seeing normal amounts of hair being lost throughout the day.

Side Effects: No side-effects to mention.

Notes: Hairline may be coming forward some. I can't really tell since it's so slow to happen. I'm using the freckle just in front of my hairline as a crude measuring tool.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

No Strings

I wanted to take just a minute to assure anyone reading this that my study of the results of this product are completely independent. I am in no way affiliated with any company, doctor, or advocate of Proscar, Propecia, or any other pharmaceutical corporation. I am here to track the results of this product in a candid, and accurate way so that other men who are going through my same struggle can have a reference and real proof that these products either A) Work, or B) Do NOT work.

I am not here to yank anyones chain. I do not have Photoshop, and I do not edit my images in any way. This is a personal endeavor to accurately track my results with Finasteride, and minoxidil.

Thank you to everyone who is following this.

Day 23

Day 23: I have been continuing the use of both Finesteride and Minoxidil foam.

Observations: It seems that my hair has been holding steady. Normal loss rate, not higher than normal. That does not necessarily mean I am growing hair back, but I am definitely seeing less loss on my pillow, and less loss when I wash my hair. Given that the doctor advised me I may not see growth results for months I feel confident in saying that my hair loss is coming to a halt.

Point In Case: Seeing some positive changes with how much hair I am losing. It now seems to be falling out at a typical rate, 80-100 hairs/day.

Side Effects: No side-effects to mention.

Notes: I may not be getting growth results yet, but I feel much more confident in my hair.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I'm thoroughly embarrassed that I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Jonathan. I'm 22 and I was born and raised in Southern California.

I am writing this blog to document my use of the hair loss product Finesteride in combination with Minoxidil, which is just a fancy name for Rogaine.

I started losing my hair at 19 years old. I was in denial for some time saying things like, "It's just alopecia and stress causing temporary hair loss." Well after two and half years I'm going to say firmly that this is male pattern baldness setting in, and I want nothing to do with losing my hair. My hair doesn't define me. My hair doesn't matter to anyone else. I may get joked around with from time to time for losing my hair, but the reality is that those people aren't going to think differently of me for not having hair. However, I will think differently of me. I love having hair. I love being able to run my fingers through it. I love growing my hair out then cutting it short. I love having hair. I started doing a lot of research. Everything out there is a bunch of bupkis unless the doctor gives it to you. Rogaine is great, but it doesn't work especially well on the hairline, which is the area I was most concerned with. So I went to the doctor, any doctor in any clinic will do if you want a prescription. It cost me $80 for the 10 min visit, $13 for a 3 month supply of Finesteride, and $4 for a pill splitter on Amazon.

If you are afraid of the side effects of this drug let me be the first to tell you that it is unlikely you will see them. Read this study to find out about the research on Propecia (which is identical to Proscar FYI). When researchers compared the group who had received the actual Finesteride to the control group who received a placebo they found an almost unnoticeable difference in the number of people who saw side effects(1.8% v. 1.5 respectively, to be specific).

I am noticing results even this early in the treatment, which in my opinion is a good sign. I will keep anyone following this updated as often as possible though with results, side effects, and any notes I may have.