Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 23 vs. Day 50

Note: I apologize for using "Cowlick" instead of "Calic" if you disagree on the spelling. From all my 10 seconds of Google searching "Cowlick" seems to be the appropriate spelling.

Day 23

Day 50

Don't let the light fool you with this one. My hair is noticeably more hearty up front. The hair no longer feels fragile, and wispy. I feel confident saying that I am continuing to see results on the front. You may be able to tell, I apologize for the angle difference, that the right side (left of this picture) of my hairline is moving forward. It is thin, light hair now, but I know from my past experience with Rogaine that it will start to thicken.

Day 23

Day 50

You can see the the right side of my cowlick (left side of this picture) is thickening up. Slightly, and slowly, but surely. Notice the left side of the cowlick on day 23, you can see scalp through the hair. However, on day 50 more hair is there to provide cover.

Day 50

Day 50: I have been continuing the use of both Finasteride and Minoxidil foam. No changes in dosage.

Observations: Hair has is thicker, and much harder to part as a result. These pictures aren't doing true justice to the results, as I am seeing a huge difference in how I style my hair. I no longer NEED something in my hair to thicken it up in order to get my scalp covered. I have also noticed lighter hairs coming in at the hairline, which is moving forward slowly.

Point In Case: I still see positive results from the medication and Rogaine application. I would  stronglrecommend using Rogaine in conjunction with Finasteride. 

Side Effects: Still no side-effects to mention. Looks like I'm not part of the 1% who experience problems with the drug.